Halfway There by Eve Langlais

Posted July 7, 2020 by Marsha in Paranormal Women's Fiction, Series / 0 Comments

I never expected I’d be one of those people who had a midlife crisis. Sure, I’m over forty and married, but my kids are grown and moved out. Life is steady, if predictably boring.

That all changes when my husband asks for a divorce and my whole world crashes. Everything I thought I knew, everything I am, gone in an instant.
But I am not about to give up. After all, at my age, technically, I’m only halfway there.

I am ready to tackle my do-over; my chance to become the me I’ve always dreamed of. Starting with moving into my late grandma’s cottage and adopting a new kitten.

However, my new life is a little odder than expected. Old books suddenly appearing in my house. Neighbors going missing. A supposed lake monster, and a strange man who likes to skulk around with an ax.

I’m going to need to lean on my friends, new and old, to help me navigate my midlife crisis. Together maybe we will find a way to beat the family curse ruining my second chance at life.

Series – Midlife Mulligan = #1 Halfway There – #2 On My Way – #3 Don’t Stop Believing

Title:  Halfway There
Series:  Midlife Mulligan #1
Author:  Eve Langlais
Paranormal Romance Genre:  Paranormal Women’s Fiction
Publication Date:  February 16, 2020
Star Rating:  4

Halfway There begins the Midlife Mulligan series with a story that is strong in real-life issues facing many women at some point in their lives… and a whole lot more than a jerk of a husband who decided to toss away a marriage just because he can.  Naomi’s story is rich with magic, most of which she doesn’t know about or believe, the possibilities awaiting someone when they finally take that risk on putting themselves first, and the power of friendships, new or old.

At first, my heart broke for Naomi as she faced being on her own after so many years of being the one who held her family together.  She knows, even if she hasn’t acknowledged, that her marriage was far from what it should have been.  Her husband’s verbal abuse has been going on for so long that she doesn’t even register that none of this is her fault – the blame lies firmly on her abusive husband’s head.  But it will take a bit before Naomi really begins to see her past life as it really was and begins to embrace what is to come for her – and her alone in the new life she’s about to discover.

It’s when she returns to Canada and her grandmother’s cabin alongside the lake that Naomi truly begins her new life.  And it’s nothing like she expected, certainly nothing that she even believes.  Magic doesn’t exist, monsters aren’t real, and houses don’t independently make what you need just appear… right?  Those answers I’ll encourage you to discover on your own for Halfway There deserves to be devoured and enjoyed first-hand.

This first book in the Midlife Mulligan series lays the groundwork for what will come as the series continues, so there is world-building.  I believe we need that to understand Naomi’s journey from where she was to where she’ll eventually end up.  New people are going to come into her life, some good, some questionable, but all necessary for the journey she’s on.  There is an underlying mystery, hinted at, glimpses of possibilities, but one that we will discover as the series moves forward.  I did not see the ending coming.  But it was pretty amazing.  I’m definitely looking forward to the next book for answers and probably more questions, but that’s okay, I’m enjoying the journey and cheering Naomi on all the way through.

I read Halfway There when it was in Kindle Unlimited for a short time when first released.  Now it is available across most platforms, so go find your favorite way to read this emotional and intense introduction to Naomi’s world of magic and possibilities.

This review originally appeared on my sister blog, Keeper Bookshelf.  I own both blogs, so there was no snatching of materials should anyone wonder – I simply wanted to move the Fab 13’s combined releases in the new (they created it) genre of Paranormal Women’s Fiction to a blog that was more focused on the Paranormal.

Available in paperback and e-readers


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